Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Ten Words That Describes My Personality


Friendly:       Dictionary Definition:  warm, comforting, kind, pleasant

                      Thesaurus Synonym:  sociable, good-natures, affectionate 
                 Etymology:  Old English freond "friend," present participle of freogan "to  love" from Porto-Germanic *frijojanan "to love".
Generous:      Dictionary Definition:  Liberal in giving or sharing
                        Thesaurus Synonym:  liberal, unselfish, giving, openhanded
                       Etymology: Senses of unselfish (1690s) and plentiful (1610s) were present in French and in Latin.

Monday, January 20, 2014

The Google Glass

The Google Glass is an innovative way to use Google in our daily life. It seems that this new device is going to be very useful in many ways but my concern is about the eye. Would this Google Glass have any impact to the eye as it is going to be worn as a glass? This is one concern I have with the new Google Glass technology.

New Technologies

The joy of a new mobile phone can be quickly lost as we take the device out of the box, try to learn to use it and struggle with the manual. Any new device may appear a bit complicated at first but once we start browsing into it and get familiar with it, the functions will appear much more useful to our daily lives. It may be a bit time consuming to get used to a new technology but eventually once we do so, it will make our daily lives easier. As generations are expanding, we are getting introduced to new devices which tends to inspire me.

Google Glass